Wednesday, November 11, 2009

revised essay

In class, we have talked about digital technology. Digital technology has a really huge impact on the young generation mentally. We rely on the use of electronics for our everyday lives and we feel that we need them for every little thing that we do. If its not doing something on the computer or watching television. We always bring our cells phones with us everywhere we go. We take the cell phone with us when we go to the store, to the next room, or even down the block. Especially when we kids are in class we text all the time to another peer and sometimes they might be next to the person that they are texting. We always get in trouble for texting and face the consequences that come with it. Digital technology has influenced the young population significantly by brainwashing our minds because we can’t do things for ourselves and we rely on the next best thing.
In class we have had several group discussions about what our opinions are and what we think about the whole digital technology topic. Some people say that its not our faults that we are so addicted to using technology and that once we get hooked onto something that we can’t stop using it because there is no turning back. Us compared to the old days and how people have lived things are mostly done for us and that is why our parents and the older people are saying we are lazy and don't do anything for ourselves. We have everything given to us and don’t have to lift a finger. I think that they are right but they can’t get mad at us because we didn't do anything. It was their generation that came up with the whole idea and invented most of the technology that we use right now, here in the 21st century. I feel that at times they tend to get jealous because of the fact that they didn't have what we have now and they had to do everything and had to work extra hard to get what they wanted. Nothing came to them as the way they do now with us. Even then they still didn't get what they wanted right then and there. They would have to wait to get it. That is why they think we are brats now and don't appreciate anything that is given to us. Which is true because all of the inventions and next best thing that is coming out each generation gets worse and worse. Which is exactly why digital technology has been brainwashing us slowly.
I think that through the years the generations are only going to get worse and then were going to be in the same situation our parents are in right now because of the fact that we wouldn't have what our kids are growing up with. Then we too, are going to feel that they are brats and don't do anything for themselves as well. And the cycle is going to continue and only go down hill. Everybody is going to turn into digital zombies and the whole world is going to definitely be based off of digital devices. This is why digital technology is destroying our lives and we get lazier.
We have done several experiments to see how people are obsessed with using digital technology. One of them was going out and interacting with other people outside of the class to see what their out take is on the whole situation. We went out on a mission to the park and interviewed somebody about what his life is like with being digitalized. The guy told us that he doesn't use technology a lot and the only thing he really uses is his cell phone and his computer. We asked how long does he use the computer for and he responded only for a couple of hours during the day because of his job. Then we asked about his children and he said they use their cell phones and are always on the computer all the time. He also said they tend to fight over it and get into arguments about who has been on it longer. We then asked how much money has he spent on all of the electronics he bought for him plus his family. He responded with a number in the high thousands. So not only digitalizing our lives wasting our souls and brains away but also emptying our wallets. This trend seems not to have a positive side to it.
I went out and interviewed a couple of my friends and family members to see how electronics have a positive or negative effect on their lives. The first person I interviewed was my friend Ryan. He was saying how yes using electronics now is going benefit him in the future because he would like to do something in the photography field. So using technology now like the computer and cameras will help him get an early start on his career and he would feel more informed and have more knowledge on what he should be doing. Another person I have interviewed was my other best friend Monique. She loves technology and cannot live with out her computer and television. She said that technology was the best part that happened to her teenage life as she got older.
I asked my mother questions as well to see what she had say. She said how what is wrong with the population today is that we don’t do anything productive with our lives and we need to stop with all the use of electronics. We need to stop always being on the computer and being all the cell phones because it is not going to help us with the future.

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