Thursday, November 5, 2009


we have done several experiments to see how people are obsessed with using digital technology. one of them are going out and interacting with other people outside of the class to see what their out take is on the whole situation. we went out in a mission to the park and interviewed somebody what their life is like. one guy told us that he doesn't use technology a lot and the only thing he really uses is his cell phone and his computer. we asked how long does he use the computer for and he responded with a couple hours of the day because of his job.
i went out and asked a couple of my friends how they are with electronics. my friend ryan was saying how yes using electronics now will benefit him in the future because he would like to do something in the photography field. so using technology now like the computer and cameras will help him get and early start on his career and he would feel more informed and have more knowledge on what he should be doing. another person i have interviewed was my other best friend monique. she loves technology and can not live with out her computer and television. she said that technology was the best part that happened to her as she got older.
another source i used was my mother. she said how whats wrong with the population today is that we dont do anything productive with our lives and we need to stop with all the use of electronics. we need to stop always being on the computer and being all the cell phones because its not gonna help us with the future.

1 comment:

  1. -Be careful leave out "another source i used was"
    -i thought that you had a good thesis but i cant find it here
    - going in the right direction but i am sure that you know what to do next
