Sunday, May 2, 2010

homework 51 (sorry its so late)

in class we have talked about how school is known to be a "institution" and how its manditory to got to school and that kids are portrayed as a bunch of wild banchies that dont care about anything and we are never gonna make something of ourselves unless we have a "super teacher" come in and save us. but that isnt always true. we seen a bunch of different movies where the students are disrespectful and that they are rebeles with good potential to actually do something but they feel like they cant cus of the fact that they have low self esteem or from where they come from. and towards the end of the movies all do well and learn a "life lesson" that would help them because of they teacher caring.
in class we had done a movie where it was quite the opposite. the teacher didnt give too shits about the students and didnt really cared what happened but then the students helped him out and saved the teacher. i also saw another classes movie and it talked about how the teacher was a drunk and didnt care at all and neither did the kids. but somehow the kids did care more cus they tried to show some interest but in the end the teacher just up and left.
all of these just make kids look as if they really dont care and they act out as they please and do whatever they want cus they could do that and school is the place to do it. but you never see a movies where it straight talks about the students life at home. they dont talk about all of the personal stories and show what is going on at the houses, because its not always students just act out at school. it has to start somewhere and it starts at home and with the people they live with.
parents have a huge part in their childs life. they live with them all day for about 19 years. they should know everything about their child. who they hang out with, what are their likes and dislikes, their interests and hobbies, what they want for the future and their carrers. parents should know all of these things but they usually dont. they dont always show that many interests in out lives. and then they wonder why its usually hard for us teenagers to come out and talk to them about whats going on in our lives and whats happening durning our days. in some type of way we feel ignored and we think that ooh they not going to know what we do so we could go off and smoke or drink or do whatever.
and when we get to school and the teacher tries to bud into our lives we think "ooh who the hell are you to tell me what to do..your not my mother/father." so we disrespect our teachers..i know some one who just recently got grounded cus she told her teacher "shut up N*****" and we continue to do as we please cus teachers cant stop us no matter how hard they try.

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