Friday, May 21, 2010

homework 57

i dont think that there is a right or wrong way to raise your child. a lot of people come from different backgrounds and learn that being mean to a child or being too nice usually doesnt get anywhere for them. a lot of differences that people argue about is beating a kid and giving them time-outs. is there a better way to being reasonable with your children rather than hitting them and lead to violence. love should always be number one when it comes to your child. they should always know that whatever they get into or do something wrong that their parent will still love them and still accept them as their child. and they shouldnt be terrified of their parent where they dont feel safe but then shouldnt being running all over the parent and think that they are always in control and could do whatever the hell they feel like. there always has to be boundries but the question is where are those bounderies and with which kid? because all kids are different and you have to know the type of child you have. you cant sit here and baby your kid its whole life. eventually its going to have to learn and grow up.

Monday, May 17, 2010

homework 56


what order are you in the birthing rank and do you think affects you as a person?

does having too much siblings (or too little) had a psychological affect on you and how did those carry on to your adulthood now?

did the lack (or too much) attention have a huge impact on your childhood and what did you gain or lose from it growing up till now?

how did your birthing rank have an affect on your decision about having kids or not and how many?


yassy: she is the youngest in her family and has one older sister. she feels that she is the baby of the family and nobody wants to tell her stuff cus they think it would upset her. they treat her younger than what she is. she said it was good and bad cus she would get more presents. it somewhat have a psychological effect because she still lives with her sister and sees her 24/7 she feels that they are best friends as well as sisters because they have a close bond. she always gets attention from her dad and now they are really close. and has a close bond with her mother but gets annoying at times cus she tries to be "all up in her business." it did affect on how many kids and she would want two because they could keep each other company.

mommy: she is the second oldest and does not have an effect on her. she didn't get along with her siblings and there for is not that close. she had lack of attention and made only but a stronger person. she always wanted to have kids but never had an exact number but would keep it small.

malleni: she is the middle child and she thinks that she has the attention she needs. she doesnt plan on having kids in the future because of the fact she doesnt really like small children. that may result by having younger siblings she doesnt want to have to relive a childhood if she doesnt have to.

after interviewing all these people it seems like having too many siblings have a big affect cus there are too many to keep track of and you usually dont always get what you want when you want it or all the attention you need because of the fact there will always be someone else stealing the spotlight. and having too little or just enough siblings is better on a person because they would have a closer bond with each other and would never feel neglected.

Monday, May 10, 2010

homework 55

my topic will be about family and the different roles in the mediate family.

i think that it might have to do with their family roles. i for example being the "baby" of the family people treat you as if you dont know anything or treat you younger than what you really are. the parents always come up with the excuses "your my baby and i dont want anything to happen to you" so then you try and prove to them that you are not a baby but then you end up acting bigger than what your age and end up getting into trouble. thats where they then treat you even more like a baby. and they dont realize what they are doing or how they are treating you and how its the cause of your actions so they compromise on a solution and treat you better. thats just like the role of a "super parent" or something. its always the same situation and of course they would say im trying my best to be the best parent i could be.
a lot of parents have things in common. and in the end all the kids act the same
there is also where you are the baby of the family and you then act like a brat

homework 54

i think that this quiz was funny to take. it makes you think about yourself and yet at the ends of the test, the results don't matter to me. i think that its stupid because you have to take a test and it tells you who you are as a person according to the answers you put in. and it may seem "right" or "accurate" but yet not true. you are your own person and that you don't need a little stupid test to tell you what type of person you are and what you are to the world. i think that its for people who don't know themselves and need an idea of who they are to their friends, or society, or their family. but if that was the case then you just need to go out and do soul searching and find the "inner you".
there are a bunch of different tests out there in the world about ones personality or who they are. facebook has a bunch of test and quizzes that tell you what is your favorite color or who you could end up with or what is going to happen to you in the next 10 years or so and that test could. and i just find it really funny how when people get the answers they sit there and believe everything that they say and its like

Monday, May 3, 2010

homework 53

part two:

taking the survey was very easy. i thought that it was a little deep thinking but not too much. it was just a bunch of basic questions that you don't need a lot of thinking for. i would have to stop and think back about what we did during the unit and how it benefited me as a person and how it has changed my views on school. (if they did). and i do think that in some type of way, they did change and with this unit i got more of a open idea about what goes on and whats the "point" of school. but that still doesnt change the way i feel about it and how i feel about going to if for 13 years learning almost nothing.

part three:

from looking at the results it seems as if the parents and that families are very important to a lot of people. it seems that you should please your family and that family are the base of everybodies choice in life. for example the way the family treats you or how they have an effect on you changes everything.

part four:

from the first survey that i looked was about teens having sex. and im not surprised that over 50% of teens are having sex or that possible a big about of them would either catch a std or get preg or if anything both. teens think that sex is a big joke and its not going to affect them. but if the parents think its okey and they are cool with it then of course they are going to keep doing it cus they approve. and i mean both test are differernt because they are about different things however it all talks about kids actions and opinions and a lot of kids/ teens think or do things that are alike.

homework 52

why is it that people act the way they do? why is it that even though we might say we are all different in our own ways, that is not true at all. we somehow all want the same things in life. we all want acceptance, love, respect, being acknowledged, having a family and being someone to the world. and why is that? why is it that all humans want the same things but at different times? is it because of family and where you come from? is it because of where you want to go later in the future? or maybe because of the present and what is going on around them at the moment.
everybody has different personalities and some have multiple of them. growing up and the things around you or the people around you your whole life have a big influence of how you view others and the world.
like what exactly would matter to a individual? would it be power and wealth and have a bunch of money with a powerful job?..could it be wanting to give back to your community and wanting to help others to have that personal satisfication of helping the people in need and doing the "right" thing?..or maybe it could be living like a transendentialist or an existentialist and just living as an individual and being one with nature and connecting to god and not basing your life off of material things and relying on others.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

homework 51 (sorry its so late)

in class we have talked about how school is known to be a "institution" and how its manditory to got to school and that kids are portrayed as a bunch of wild banchies that dont care about anything and we are never gonna make something of ourselves unless we have a "super teacher" come in and save us. but that isnt always true. we seen a bunch of different movies where the students are disrespectful and that they are rebeles with good potential to actually do something but they feel like they cant cus of the fact that they have low self esteem or from where they come from. and towards the end of the movies all do well and learn a "life lesson" that would help them because of they teacher caring.
in class we had done a movie where it was quite the opposite. the teacher didnt give too shits about the students and didnt really cared what happened but then the students helped him out and saved the teacher. i also saw another classes movie and it talked about how the teacher was a drunk and didnt care at all and neither did the kids. but somehow the kids did care more cus they tried to show some interest but in the end the teacher just up and left.
all of these just make kids look as if they really dont care and they act out as they please and do whatever they want cus they could do that and school is the place to do it. but you never see a movies where it straight talks about the students life at home. they dont talk about all of the personal stories and show what is going on at the houses, because its not always students just act out at school. it has to start somewhere and it starts at home and with the people they live with.
parents have a huge part in their childs life. they live with them all day for about 19 years. they should know everything about their child. who they hang out with, what are their likes and dislikes, their interests and hobbies, what they want for the future and their carrers. parents should know all of these things but they usually dont. they dont always show that many interests in out lives. and then they wonder why its usually hard for us teenagers to come out and talk to them about whats going on in our lives and whats happening durning our days. in some type of way we feel ignored and we think that ooh they not going to know what we do so we could go off and smoke or drink or do whatever.
and when we get to school and the teacher tries to bud into our lives we think "ooh who the hell are you to tell me what to do..your not my mother/father." so we disrespect our teachers..i know some one who just recently got grounded cus she told her teacher "shut up N*****" and we continue to do as we please cus teachers cant stop us no matter how hard they try.