Monday, April 26, 2010

homework 49

our classes film was about how the teacher was being saved by the students. from what i was told from conor, the director, he was saying about how the students controlled the classroom and the teacher would have to follow what went on i believe. but our class video got lost so i cant really write much about it because of the fact that i havent seen it.
so we watched esthers class video and it was pretty good. i think that it was about how there was this teacher and it seemed like he was drinking in the classroom and didnt really give a crap about the students. so if the teacher didnt care then neither would the students and they just went on about they business. and the teacher would say some smart remarks to the kids.
even tho i couldnt really understand what they was saying, it looked like a one point the students kinda was worried and wanted to learn a lil something because of the fact the teacher was passed out at his desk and one of the students came up to him and asked if they was going to learn something today. he gave one of those i dont care looks and said something to a couple of students and then walked out the classroom with his drink and the students didnt care. they stood quiet for a moment but then went on with what they wanted to do.

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