Monday, April 26, 2010

homework 50

for gatto i read the 6 lesson article. it was about six different lessons he would use to teach the students and how they would be effective. based off of these six lessons it seemed like determination was his goal. i think that he wants the students to be well taught and have a sense of mind. he wants them to have respect for themselves along with for others and that they need to learn to do the right thing.
i think that his idea would most likely work. because of the fact that he has to be strict so then maybe the students would fear him and do what they are told because they have that one person in their life that thinks they could make something of themselves.

for freire, he talks about the depositing method. he talkes about how the teachers have all of the knowledge and how what the teacher does is that they deposit all of the knowledge into the students heads. the students then recieve the knowledge and would take what they learn and go into the world and then hopefully deposit that information to others.
this would be a effect method however not all of the students learn the same way. some would understand it and then others would not get it and then get left behind. or some of them would just give up and move on with whatever they want to do.

for the last person, she feels that art is the way to go. all the students should be taught through music or art or any for of expressing yourself in a creative way. learn how to express yourself with out using words. just by pictures or paintings
this would be a fun way to learn but a lot of people would take it as a joke and just have fun with it. they wouldnt think it was learning.

homework 49

our classes film was about how the teacher was being saved by the students. from what i was told from conor, the director, he was saying about how the students controlled the classroom and the teacher would have to follow what went on i believe. but our class video got lost so i cant really write much about it because of the fact that i havent seen it.
so we watched esthers class video and it was pretty good. i think that it was about how there was this teacher and it seemed like he was drinking in the classroom and didnt really give a crap about the students. so if the teacher didnt care then neither would the students and they just went on about they business. and the teacher would say some smart remarks to the kids.
even tho i couldnt really understand what they was saying, it looked like a one point the students kinda was worried and wanted to learn a lil something because of the fact the teacher was passed out at his desk and one of the students came up to him and asked if they was going to learn something today. he gave one of those i dont care looks and said something to a couple of students and then walked out the classroom with his drink and the students didnt care. they stood quiet for a moment but then went on with what they wanted to do.

Monday, April 19, 2010

homework 48

for the film, it would be taken place in school, of course and about this teacher that comes in and tries to change everybody. he goes and comes in with a idea that he could change everybody but he doesnt do it right away. he doesnt do it right away and tries to get to know the students first. understand where each of them come from and where they are headed. what are they dreams? goals? desires? who they live with and then from there try to come up with a solution that best fits everybodies needs because everybody wants or needs something different than the other one.
durin the course of the school year, the kids are still acting up and doing what they want, but then he attempts to make his first move with them and sees how it goes. he has a open class discussion about having dreams and goals and what they do for a specific individual. the kids at first arent interested in the convo because they feel that having dreams are stupid and that they are never going to come true for them cus they are just low class kids who are involved with the wrong people. but secreatly they each have one but dont share out cus the fact they dont want to feel stupid or have the other kids laugh at them. they all have low self esteam.
the teacher then opens up about his dreams and what he wanted to do with his life and how he never got the chance to do it because of his parents and how he never really had the incouragment they do.
so he finally talks to them all and the students eventually cave in and like him and try not to be as stubborn as they was in the beginnin of the year. they actually try in school and they all passesed all of their classes and the teacher felt happy about what he has done with them.

Monday, April 12, 2010

homework 47

everybody should learn a valuable lesson
the teacher shouldn't care (just another regular person)
teaher should learn to care about the students
principal should actually care and help the teacher
everybody learns a life lesson