Monday, March 22, 2010

homework 45

well i have experienced both of these different types of schools. i have experienced the theory by hirsch when i was in elementry school and i feel that i did learn a lot while i was in there. the way the teachers taught and how the school was ran was very good and everybody was doing good and it showed a lot. then when i came into school of the future, i still learned a lot but a lot of the work is bullshit. you could just fake and still pass with about a 85%. and once you know what the habit of minds are about then its not that hard to do. they say that it gets your mind deep thinking but i dont believe that. its just like looking at the story or person in a different perspective and thats not really all that challenging.
reading these theories does make me think about my own education and how this school is based off of habits of mind and expand your thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Although this post is too informal, too short, has what some would consider inappropriate language (please avoid to make my life easier), and makes too little references to the assigned texts - I find it insightful and am glad I read it.
