Monday, March 22, 2010

homework 45

well i have experienced both of these different types of schools. i have experienced the theory by hirsch when i was in elementry school and i feel that i did learn a lot while i was in there. the way the teachers taught and how the school was ran was very good and everybody was doing good and it showed a lot. then when i came into school of the future, i still learned a lot but a lot of the work is bullshit. you could just fake and still pass with about a 85%. and once you know what the habit of minds are about then its not that hard to do. they say that it gets your mind deep thinking but i dont believe that. its just like looking at the story or person in a different perspective and thats not really all that challenging.
reading these theories does make me think about my own education and how this school is based off of habits of mind and expand your thinking.

Monday, March 15, 2010

homework 44

i think that if school did a certain thing then that doesn't mean every kid is going to have a better and happier future. just because a school specializes in a specific subject or topic wont make the kids better because it depends what they specialize in in order to see if it would be worth while. i think there would still be racism because thats the society we grew up in and its not just schools thats gonna have to change. its also going to have to be their parents and their home life as well as school. school can only do but so much and the rest has to be done at home because of the parents and their beliefs.
i dont think their is going to be a right or wrong way for school. our society could have about 1000 different schools to choose from that each have something different to offer being able to help them with their future its not going to help. it all has to start at home. i dont think that school is primarily for a escape for kids to get out their houses and have a place to go. because we feel so restricted at home school is the place to let it all out and since teachers are like strangers and they dont really mean anything to us we treat them like shit cus it wont effect us

homework 43

some early memories is in preschool playing with my friends with the building blocks and running around in the park. also nap time and once i ate a button at nap time. i also remember causing a lot of trouble and being in time out a lot. i always felt happy to go to school, but as time went on i started to dislike it more and more and was a struggle to go to school. now my mom has to fight with me to wake me up cus i wouldnt wanna go or im too tired from the work or something i wouldve been doing the night before.

Monday, March 8, 2010

homework 42

part B:

my question is basically what is the significance on why kids misbehave or act out in school? is it because of their race or gender?..all kids act out for a reason but who really does it more?

i think that kids act out cus they feel like they dont get enough attention or they feel like they are being neglected. every parent always asks "why do you act like act like you have no manners or you wasnt brought up right. but i know you were, i brought you up better than that." parents try to figure where they went "wrong" with us. they can never find the reason or cause of the behavior. amd they end up sending us to therapy because of course talking to a stranger would be much better than talking to someone you know. and parents always try to relate to us the "best" way they can but doesnt always work and they always say "we were kids once also i know how it parents use to do the same thing"..but i think its just bull.

teens and kids in general always get blamed for everything. no matter what happens our parents or teachers or sometimes our peers would blame us for something. and to us it feels like teachers and sometimes our parents dont know how to talk to us because all they do is yell and order us around. we dont like that and we tend to get mad and do things our way but they yall get mad when we take our time and parents say "ooh you guys think you know everything and do things when you want, but thats not how the world works...blah blah blah" and that gets us more mad cus then we feel like we cant do anything right.

Monday, March 1, 2010

homework 41

my topic is about different races between black and white people and how they view school differently and how they got/ get treated.
my other topic is about kids acting out in school and if it is cus of how they are treated at home or school?