Sunday, October 18, 2009

homework number 11

for the self experiment i didnt do one. i dont think that i could be able to do an experiment on myself because i am so addicted to digital technology. i would go crazy and wouldnt know what i would do with out my phone or my comp or the television.

homework number 7

i have interviewed multiple people based on our unit in class about digital technology.
person #1:
Q: how long do you use electronics each day?
A: uses them for 14hours a day..all day everyday
Q: does using electronics have an effect on your life?
A: noo they do not
Q: how would you use your time more wisley if you didnt use technology as much?
A: would spend more time by talking to her family members and spending a lot of time with them and would also spend more time with homework and do it all
Q: how does using technology help you now?
A: some of them help out for example the ipod because the music helps them think
Q: do you think the technology you use now is going to help with your future job?
A: doesnt know what job they want yet so dont know
Q: do you think you would be smarter or dumber with out all the use of technology?
A: they think that they would be smarter

person #2:
Q: how long do you use technology and what do you use?
A: they use it all day and they use: cell phone, ipod, comp, camera. smart boards, tv, stereo
Q: how long could you live with out it?
A: could live with out it for about a year
Q: how would they help your carrer in the future?
A: it would benefit because wants to do somethin in film major so needs cameras to make the job easier
Q: what would you do on your free time with out it?
A: play football

Monday, October 5, 2009

comment on jin video hw #8

hey jin i enjoyed your video. it was very different and interesting. it was realistic and i think that its what a typical american teenagers do most of their days. all we do is basically sit in front of the computer all day and go on facebook and you tube to look at funny videos at people. i have to say as a teenager i do the same things you do and sit in fron of the computer a lot.
maybe next time you could possibly add more things in there to make it interesting to show other things we do digitally. 
good video ttul =)